Saturday, 25 April 2009

Reconstruir puede ser la mejor Idea

"There is good news, and then there is really good news, said George Hedley at his recent seminar to a large group of contractors in California. “The worst days of the recession are behind us,” said George enthusiastically. “Now we get to rebuild and start over!” Despite the chuckles from the attendees, that last bit was the really good news. It may sound like it’s not, but according to George, now is the time to take a hard look at every aspect of the business, make some tough decisions, and create a written blueprint for success which will guide and focus each business owner in building a much more profitable business.

“Make a resolution that 2009 will be mighty fine,” George said with a smile, “and that in 2010 you will not be a has-been.” It all begins with having a blueprint for success. That does not mean having an idea in your head of what you want to accomplish. It means having a written plan. Business owners who have a written business plan are twice as likely to succeed as those who don’t.

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